Rainbow Ribbons and Lesson Plan


Dance ribbons are so fun to use in kids yoga classes. You can buy dance ribbons on sticks online, but sometimes it is hard to hold the stick and do yoga poses at the same time. So, I prefer to make my own (or have the kids make them themselves) using rubber bracelets.

Rainbow ribbons and tuille are tied onto a bracelet, and then kids can put them on their wrists for a hands-free dance ribbon experience. Any yoga pose is fun with these dance ribbons, but they are especially fun for painting rainbows and freeze dancing.

Don’t skip using the tulle ribbon. The tulle gives the ribbons more “body” and helps the ribbon stay in the air longer, instead of just hanging down. As you paint in the air, the tulle and  ribbons float behind your hand so you really do feel like you are painting the air.

Check out the bottom of the page for a downloadable The End of the Rainbow Lesson Plan Package that uses these Rainbow Ribbons.

Rainbow Ribbons for Kids Yoga


-Rainbow Ribbon, or an assortment of different colored ribbon (a good way to use up ribbon scraps)

-Tulle Ribbon - This ribbon helps keep the ribbons floating in the air. Find it in the wedding section of a craft store.

-Rubber Bracelets (like Stretch Magic Silkies Bracelets or Jelly Bracelets) or have kids bring in their own bracelets



1. Measure and Cut Ribbon and Tulle

Decide the length of the ribbons and tulle you want for the prop, and then double that measurement.  For the dance ribbon in the picture, 4 feet of ribbon was used to make a 2 foot dancing ribbon.  Try making the ribbons the arm’s length of the child for dancing, so two arm’s lengths for cutting.

2. Tie Ribbons and Tulle to Bracelet


Tie the ribbons and tulle to the bracelet. (I like using the Lark’s Head Knot.)

Tie them closely together on the bracelet or tie both pieces on at the same time like in the picture above.

3. Do some yoga or dance with it!

Now slip the bracelet on your wrist and paint some rainbows!

P.S. My neighbors officially think I am crazy after watching me take pictures of myself dancing with Rainbow Ribbons in the street! 

We've created an entire lesson plan that uses these Rainbow Ribbons! You can download The End of the Rainbow Lesson Plan Package, which includes "The End of the Rainbow" relaxation story from Imaginations 2. It includes rainbow poses, games, a "recipe" for making a rainbow, and time-extender activities. 

The End of the Rainbow Lesson Plan Package PDF

This lesson plan is all you need for a fun, rainbow-themed kids yoga class. Perfect year-round or in March for St. Patrick's Day. Class is based on Rainbow Ribbon props, and includes instructions for assembly.

Lesson Plan Package includes:

Part 1: Rainbow-themed Lesson Plan

Full lesson plan with poses, props, suggested music, and verbal cues. 

Part 2: Relaxation Story- The End of the Rainbow

A rainbow-themed relaxation story from Imaginations 2: Relaxation Stories and Guided Imagery. 

Part 3: Time Extenders

Some classes are longer than others, so these are some extra ideas to help you keep time filled. 

Part 4: Lesson Plan at-a-Glance

An outline of the entire lesson. It is a convenient, at-a-glance list to use while teaching.

After checking out, you will receive an email with a link to download your PDF Lesson Plan Package. The link is good for 24 hours.

Music for Kids Yoga - Johnette Downing, Fins and Grins & The Second Line: Scarf Activity Songs

Do you get a sense of glee when you discover new music?  Music that is perfect for kids yoga? I know I do! Have you heard of Johnette Downing?

Here are two albums that are great for kids yoga classes:

Fins and Grins

fins and grins

Here are the songs (which you can tell are good for kids yoga just by the titles):

1. Rock Hopper Penguin

2. Amazon ABCs

3. Amphibians

4. Clamshell Clap

5. Circle of Life

6. L'ecrevisse

7. I Want to be a Frog Today

8. A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea

9. Moving Along

10. Stingray Shuffle

11. Camouflage

12. Most Fish Swim

13. Seahorses Listen

14. I Went to the Aquarium

15. Tooth Fairy

16. Turtles

This is a wonderful CD with an aquatic theme.  I’ve found lots of songs about cats, dogs, and barnyard animals, but this CD has songs about penguins! Clams! Stingrays! Turtles! Sea Horses! Johnette’s voice is great, and the music is fun and lively. She reminds me of Laurie Berkner, but with a New Orleans style of music. Pretty much all of the songs are great for an ocean themed class!

The Second Line

Scarf Activity Songs

Song list:

1. Introduction

2. The Second Line

3. Shake Your Scarves

4. Scarves Up and Down and Around

5. Water, Wind and World

6. The Sacroiliac

7. Thread the Needle

8. Scarves on Your Laps

9. Flitter Flutter

10. Crazy Eights

11. Wow!

12. Rhythm In The Scarves

13. Circus Parade

14. The Second Line Reprise

I like to integrate Music and Movement activities into my yoga classes. Is it technically yoga, maybe not, but I think it provides child-friendly body awareness and helps burn off some of their energy so we can do some calming yoga poses. And isn't everything yoga if you are doing it with awareness? These songs are really fun scarf activity songs. Sometimes when we use scarves, I have a few ideas on how to use them and then my mind draws a blank. With these songs you could do a whole class with them!

P.S. This isn't a formal review or anything... I just found something that I like and wanted to share.

Her work can be found at her website and at Amazon.



Carolyn Clarke





Creative Movement in Yoga Class

The longer I teach yoga to kids, the more I look for fun ways for children to experiment and enjoy moving their bodies. Creative movement is such a wonderful way to make exercise and stretching fun! Here are some of my favorite creative movement activities (and although they aren't all exactly yoga poses, they are mind/body exercises):

  1. Dance ribbons- cut long pieces of ribbon or tulle, and tie them onto the end of a stick, unsharpened pencil, or even chopsticks. Turn on music and twirl. You can lead the kids in poses too- arm circles, painting rainbows, etc.
  2. Egg Shakers- one of my favorite props ever... Use Laurie Berkner's I Know A Chicken song.
  3. Hokey Pokey- a classic, but uses balancing skills that help with yoga poses
  4. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes- Touching toes is a forward bend.
  5. Yoga Flows- Let the kids make up their own flows using yoga poses or their own movements

A find that "creative" time is a good balance to poses that require some attention to alignment (Like the warrior poses and Triangle). Reward attention paid to alignment with some creative time afterwards...  Or, use creative time to release some energy before moving into poses that require some stillness.

Have fun!