Love, Love, Love!

My absolute favorite holiday and theme for kids yoga is Valentine’s Day and Love! I LOVE this time of year. I love passing around a stuffed heart and hearing what kids say who and what they love. I love doing dancing and freezing to “All You Need is Love”. And I love leading love-themed guided imagery, like the "Love Balloon" and "Loving Kindness" from Imaginations and Imaginations 2.

Sending love to the people you love (and to the people you don’t) is calming and therapeutic. The Loving Kindness meditation for kids is always a free download from because I just don’t think there can ever be enough love sent around!!!

Some other fun Valentine’s Day activities:

Mudra Finger Stretch

-Form a heart with your hands,  back of fingertips touching and thumbs joining below ("Heart Position", pictured above).

-Lift your pointer fingers and touch the fingertips.

-Bring them back to Heart Position.

-Lift your middle fingers (Pyramid Mudra).

-Bring them back to Heart Position.

-Lift your ring fingers.

-Bring them back to Heart Position.

-Lift your pinky fingers.

-Bring them back to heart position.

Benefits: Stretches and exercises fingers and hands (good after keyboard use, texting, gaming, etc.); increases focus and concentration due to fine motor skills; Pyramid Mudra boosts feelings of love and compassion

Heart Yoga

Use heart stickers to help all kids see that we all have hearts! Like these.

Have each child put a heart sticker over their heart. It is a good visual to help kids understand the idea of sending love to someone else's heart!

The fun part of using these stickers is that any yoga pose becomes a Valentine's Day pose!

Benefits: Fun! Also, helps conceptualize love and our Heart Chakra.

For more fun ideas, check out this Love Lesson Plan:

For Love-Themed Stories:

The Love Balloon
Loving Kindness

Namasté and love,


LOVE-themed Lesson Plan with Loving Kindness Meditation

Last year many of you participated in a survey to let me know what guided imagery products and services you'd like to see. The majority of you asked for Lesson Plans with Guided Imagery as your top choice for products.

I have listened to what you want and created the first ever Bambino Yoga lesson plan. It is a love-themed lesson plan, perfect for Valentine's day or anytime you want to teach about love, and includes the relaxation story of the month "Loving Kindness". I think you are going to LOVE it (haha!).

It is a whole package that includes:

Part 1: Love-themed Lesson Plan

Full lesson plan with poses, props, and suggested verbal cues.

Part 2: Relaxation Story- Loving Kindness Meditation

A love-themed relaxation story from Imaginations: Fun Relaxation Stories and Meditations for Kids.

Part 3: Time Extenders

Some classes are longer than others, so these are some extra ideas to help you keep time filled. 

Part 4: Lesson Plan at-a-Glance

An outline of the entire lesson. It is a convenient, at-a-glance list to use while teaching.

I am offering this first lesson plan for free until February 15th. I am hoping that by providing it for free, you will be so kind as to offer feedback so I know what you love or don't love about it.


Here it is:




"Lovey-Dovey" Yoga- 5 Valentines Activities for Kids Yoga

Hearts and rory and words

My favorite month for kids yoga is February! I use the theme of L-O-V-E  all month long!

1. Love Breath-

Take a deep breath in, say LOVE when you breathe out.

2. IKEA Love Pillow Breath-


Hold this heart pillow.

Bring the arms out when you breathe in to make room for the air, and then wrap the arms around the heart when you breathe out. Visual cues like this make it easy for kids to play with their breath.  You can have the kids take turns using the pillow to lead.

3. Rocking Chair pose-

  • Lie on your belly.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Stetch your arms back to reach your feet.
  • Pull your feet up to make the front of your body rounded.
  • Rock back and forth like a Rocking Chair.
  • Feel how open the area is around your heart- send some love to someone who needs it!

4. Partner Back Massage

  • Sit on the floor, with your legs stretched out like a V.
  • Have a friend sit in front of you, and they can stretch their legs out like a V too. Keep having friends sit down in the same way until you run out of friends J
  • Give the person in front of you a shoulder and neck rub.  You can use different techniques- lightly rub their back, gently chop (like a gentle karate chop), and then draw heart s or other shapes with the palms of your hands or your fingers.
  • Note: I always have kids ask the person in front of them if it is okay to give them a back massage. If you are doing this with lots of kids, and someone doesn’t want a back rub, have them be the first one to sit down. If you are doing this with only one partner, then switch places so both have a chance to receive a massage.

5. A FREE Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness meditations are a sweet way to integrate love into yoga. Download this FREE Loving Kindness relaxation story from Imaginations here.

I hope you enjoy doing Lovey-Dovey yoga with your students or family.

Sending you lots of love,


Carolyn Clarke