Anna and her Rainbow-Colored Yoga Mats by Giselle Shardlow

Kids Yoga Stories has recently released a 2nd edition of Anna and her Rainbow-Colored Yoga Mats by Giselle Shardlow.  It is one of my favorite books for a kids yoga class, and it was in the Top 3 of the Top Storybooks for Kids Yoga by OmAzing Kids and Bambino Yoga.

Anna is a new student at school and a child with hearing loss. Her classmates think she is weird, and point out all the things that make her different. As they make fun of her, she follows her heart and does what makes her happy, yoga! Eventually she makes a new friend, who also has hearing loss. Each day they do yoga together, and eventually all the classmates join in with colorful yoga mats to make a rainbow.

The book includes lots of fun yoga poses for kids including Cat, Horse, Duck, Tree, Jaguar, Snake, Pyramid, Sphinx, Camel, Mountain, and Bears. Multiple themes of rainbow colors, individuality, bullying, and staying true to yourself allow you to integrate the book easily into a yoga class or classroom.

The yoga book is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French on the Kids Yoga Stories website or on Amazon.

Anna and her Rainbow-Colored Yoga Mats book is also a recommended Time Extender activity in the “End of the Rainbow” lesson plan offered here.

Want to win a copy of Anna and her Rainbow-Colored Yoga Mats by Giselle Shardlow and a copy of Imaginations 2 by Carolyn Clarke?

Enter the giveaway to win this book by April 1st Midnight PST on our Giveaway and Contest page.

Rainbow Ribbons and Lesson Plan


Dance ribbons are so fun to use in kids yoga classes. You can buy dance ribbons on sticks online, but sometimes it is hard to hold the stick and do yoga poses at the same time. So, I prefer to make my own (or have the kids make them themselves) using rubber bracelets.

Rainbow ribbons and tuille are tied onto a bracelet, and then kids can put them on their wrists for a hands-free dance ribbon experience. Any yoga pose is fun with these dance ribbons, but they are especially fun for painting rainbows and freeze dancing.

Don’t skip using the tulle ribbon. The tulle gives the ribbons more “body” and helps the ribbon stay in the air longer, instead of just hanging down. As you paint in the air, the tulle and  ribbons float behind your hand so you really do feel like you are painting the air.

Check out the bottom of the page for a downloadable The End of the Rainbow Lesson Plan Package that uses these Rainbow Ribbons.

Rainbow Ribbons for Kids Yoga


-Rainbow Ribbon, or an assortment of different colored ribbon (a good way to use up ribbon scraps)

-Tulle Ribbon - This ribbon helps keep the ribbons floating in the air. Find it in the wedding section of a craft store.

-Rubber Bracelets (like Stretch Magic Silkies Bracelets or Jelly Bracelets) or have kids bring in their own bracelets



1. Measure and Cut Ribbon and Tulle

Decide the length of the ribbons and tulle you want for the prop, and then double that measurement.  For the dance ribbon in the picture, 4 feet of ribbon was used to make a 2 foot dancing ribbon.  Try making the ribbons the arm’s length of the child for dancing, so two arm’s lengths for cutting.

2. Tie Ribbons and Tulle to Bracelet


Tie the ribbons and tulle to the bracelet. (I like using the Lark’s Head Knot.)

Tie them closely together on the bracelet or tie both pieces on at the same time like in the picture above.

3. Do some yoga or dance with it!

Now slip the bracelet on your wrist and paint some rainbows!

P.S. My neighbors officially think I am crazy after watching me take pictures of myself dancing with Rainbow Ribbons in the street! 

We've created an entire lesson plan that uses these Rainbow Ribbons! You can download The End of the Rainbow Lesson Plan Package, which includes "The End of the Rainbow" relaxation story from Imaginations 2. It includes rainbow poses, games, a "recipe" for making a rainbow, and time-extender activities. 

The End of the Rainbow Lesson Plan Package PDF

This lesson plan is all you need for a fun, rainbow-themed kids yoga class. Perfect year-round or in March for St. Patrick's Day. Class is based on Rainbow Ribbon props, and includes instructions for assembly.

Lesson Plan Package includes:

Part 1: Rainbow-themed Lesson Plan

Full lesson plan with poses, props, suggested music, and verbal cues. 

Part 2: Relaxation Story- The End of the Rainbow

A rainbow-themed relaxation story from Imaginations 2: Relaxation Stories and Guided Imagery. 

Part 3: Time Extenders

Some classes are longer than others, so these are some extra ideas to help you keep time filled. 

Part 4: Lesson Plan at-a-Glance

An outline of the entire lesson. It is a convenient, at-a-glance list to use while teaching.

After checking out, you will receive an email with a link to download your PDF Lesson Plan Package. The link is good for 24 hours.