Better Sleep Month for Kids with Yoga

Happy Better Sleep Month! This month we are having a Sleepytime Yoga Giveaway that includes  several tools to help kids relax at bedtime or before relaxation in yoga. Prizes include Good Night, Animal World book by Giselle Shardlow, Imaginations 2: Relaxation Stories and Guided Imagery for Kids, and a bottle of Lavender essential oil. We are also reviewing the matching Good Night, Animal World Yoga Cards.

Fun fact: Good Night, Animal World was the inspiration behind the “Nighttime Animal Adventure” story in Imaginations 2!

Review of Good Night, Animal World Yoga Cards


Description: Say good night to the animals of the world at bedtime with these yoga cards to match the book, Good Night, Animal World (previously reviewed here). Match and sort thirteen calming yoga poses for kids with their respective animals. Age group: Toddler, preschooler. Ages 2-5.

Price: $12.95

Where to Buy:

5 Things I Love About Them:

1. The 3x5 Notecard size is small enough and light enough to keep in my yoga bag as an emergency “Oh No I Have Nothing Planned” Activity.

2. The Index Card has a list of the poses in order from standing to relaxation as well as a color coded key showing the animal/yoga pose pair.

3. Calming poses are sequenced well from active to relaxing yoga poses. They are all good poses to settle before bedtime or before relaxation time.

4. The cards can be used individually, in a series, or as an animal matching game.

5. They come in a sweet, mesh bag that keeps them together, but visible.

As a yoga teacher, I think you will LOVE these cards as an addition to your classes. As a parent, I think you will LOVE how fun these will make bedtime.

More Info about Kids Yoga Stories:


