YogaKids Silly to Calm Video on YouTube

I was exploring YouTube, and I was so excited to find a clip of the YogaKids Silly to Calm Video. Here it is: [youtube=]

This is a perfect example of how I teach yoga to kids. Usually the first question people ask me after I tell them that I teach yoga to kids is "HOW?". Many of the poses and excercises in this clip are methods that I rely on to tap into the kid's energy and help them move through it and into more calming poses. And it's so fun, too!

Class today

Taught a fun class today at The Child's Primary School. Here's what we did: lizard on a rocklizard-on-a-rock.jpg

sun salutationssunsalutation.gif

meditation for the new yearchild-meditating.jpg

and kids made up their own poses

I learned some really fun new poses to share with other children. I am always so amazed at how much I learn from them!