Where have ya been?

I haven't been posting a whole lot lately... Wanted to share what's been taking up my time and keeping me from writing on this blog...

  1. YogaKids Tools for Schools Program Launch- I've been launching a program called YogaKids Tools for Schools in San Diego County. I've been reaching out to teachers and inviting them to workshops where they learn how to use yoga in their classroom. It's had a wonderful response so far!
  2. Children's yoga boutique- I'm launching a children's yoga boutique soon. It's going to have hand selected yoga-themed items for kids, and you are just going to love it! It's been a busy time, learning about e-commerce, sales tax, and UPS shipping rates (all things that don't usually go hand in hand with teaching yoga to kids!!!)
  3. My book- Oh, yeah, I've also been writing a book!!! It is a book of relaxation stories that I use in my yoga classes during savasana. It's been a project that I've been working on for years, and it is finally coming into its last stages.... So here's an excerpt:

Making Friends with A Tree Imagine that you are walking through a magic forest. Any tree you can imagine is here in this forest. Apple trees, maple trees, palm trees… Sycamore trees, banana trees, orange trees… Even imaginary trees are here in this magic forest, like candy trees and trees that grant wishes. Now pick any tree that you like, and imagine walking over to it. Touch its bark. How does it feel? Sniff its leaves. How do they smell? If it has fruit, take a bite and see what it tastes like. Now imagine yourself climbing its branches. When you reach the top look out and see all of the trees in this forest. Now climb back down and sleep in your tree’s shade. Take some time to enjoy being with your new tree buddy. Trees breathe out what we breathe in. So, take a deep breath full of oxygen, And then slowly let it out so the tree can breathe too.

So that's it in a nutshell... It's been an exciting time, and I've been writing lots and lots for my book and my new website, but I haven't been writing here. Didn't want you to feel neglected!!! I'll keep you posted on everything... Tomorrow I have a photo shoot for the book and website, so I'll try to post some pics soon!!!


