Today we planted a garden in yoga...
I gave each child a magical pretend seed to plant in the ground. This magical seed can grow in just a few minutes!
Then each child became a seed in Child's Pose. I gave each "seed" a spritz of water with my spray bottle, and then out came the sun and we grew and grew. Each child got a turn telling me what they grew into- here are some of the amazing things we had in our garden:
Purple Flower
Ava Flower
Corn plant
This magical garden was planted to the song, Inch by Inch/Garden Song from the Tajar Tracks album with DEBBIE DEBORD WITH SOL DRIVEN TRAIN AND GWYNN VALLEY CAMPERS. You can listen to it and buy it here:
We also were different critters that you'd find in a garden- Ladybugs, Bumblebees, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Turtles, and Birds.
If we'd had more time we could have planted actual seeds in a cup, or walked partners around in Wheelbarrow! Next time...
Serendipitous moment of the day: I was lucky enough to receive a gift of a cucumber and a bell pepper from the school's actual backyard garden!